Welcome to The Wet Works - Complete Marine Solutions

Day 4 at the show!

The film is from when we were setting the stand up so you can get an idea of what we are selling at the show - we are now on day 4.

Without question there is definitely a strong buzz at the show this year and as they have re-organised the positioning of the huge motor boats it all flows a lot better.

Good to see so many old and new faces here including suppliers who have not exhibited for a couple of years - economy must be back on the up!

We have had a great show so far with lots of buyers for our smaller retail items such as the Old Salt Loft bags and the buoyancy gillets and float coats and we have had a fantastic reaction to our hand wind propellor the 'Freewheeling'.

We have been giving daily demonstrations of this on the show pool at around 1.15 every day where we have put people in the boat for the very first time to see how they get on - it has been great fun and people have been truly impressed.

The biggest interest without doubt however has been on the Rainman Watermaker and the Keelcrab. So much positive interest, with people giving us all sorts of new ideas and reasons for purchase. On the trainmen we have had several customers who now see no reason for full installation - they get back valuable space and achieve absolute flexibility - on the KeelCrab most have been two to four boat owners who have collaborated to buy - absolute sense.

Come along to see us, I can guarantee that it is now a show worth seeing for a great day out.

Mick Hill
Mick Hill
